 WWDC'20 Swift Student Challenge

July 17, 2020

(Updated on January 13, 2024)

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Every year Apple hosts a development challenge for students, where they select 350 students across the global submissions and invite them to their WWDC event. This year due to the pandemic, the entire conference was virtual, however, Apple did send over a cool jacket and pin set to the winners!

Apple judges the submissions on creativity, innovation, and use of technology. I was fortunate enough to get selected as one of the winners amongst the various submissions from students across the world. ✨

I built my submission Nina's Playground around the idea of creating a safe online environment for young kids. I created an interactive game simulation with SceneKit to teach about RSA Encryption. I further implemented CoreML models into a digital SMS and email space to prototype an NLP engine that can analyze sentiments and detect spam.

Here is a fun little unboxing video of the award sent over by Apple. ♥️

You can checkout the code base and further details about my project here: Github

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